API Reference

The transformer object allows Developers to easily combine and alias budget categories.

Transformers have the same key structure as Budgets, but accepts string values.

If you want to merge SPENDiD categories together, just use the same alias across multiple properties. We'll combine everything for you in the response.


Transformers must map ALL expense categories

Transformers must provide aliases for all core budget categories.

This is to avoid confusion and ensure consistency and usability of the transformed response.

  "alcoholic_beverages": "Groceries",
  "cash_contributions": "Charitable Giving",
  "clothing_items_and_services": "Clothing & Jewelry",
  "education": "Education",
  "electricity": "Utilities - Power Bill",
  "fees_and_admissions": "Fun & Leisure",
  "food_home": "Groceries",
  "food_out": "Dining Out",
  "furniture_and_appliances": "Home Appliances & Furniture",
  "gasoline": "Gasoline & EV-Charging",
  "health_insurance": "Health Insurance",
  "heating_fuels_other": "Utilities - Other",
  "home_maintenance_and_repairs": "Home Maintenance & Services",
  "housekeeping_supplies": "Home Maintenance & Services",
  "life_and_personal_insurance": "Life & Other Personal Insurance",
  "media_hardware_and_services": "Cable / Internet / Streaming",
  "medical_services": "Medical Spending",
  "medical_supplies": "Medical Spending",
  "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous",
  "mortgage_and_rent": "Rent or Mortgage Payment",
  "natural_gas": "Utilities - Other",
  "other_debt_payments": "Other Debt Payments & Obligations",
  "other_household_expenses": "Home Maintenance & Services",
  "other_lodging": "Vacation & Other Lodging",
  "personal_care": "Personal Care Products and Services",
  "personal_services": "Babysitting / Preschool / Eldercare",
  "pets": "Pets",
  "prescription_drugs": "Medical Spending",
  "public_and_other_transportation": "Transportation Fares",
  "reading": "Miscellaneous",
  "savings": "Amount to Savings Each Period",
  "telephone_services": "Phone Services",
  "tobacco_and_smoking": "Miscellaneous",
  "toys_and_hobbies": "Fun & Leisure",
  "vehicle_insurance": "Car Insurance",
  "vehicle_maintenance_and_repairs": "Car Maintenance",
  "vehicle_purchase_and_lease": "Car Payments",
  "water_and_public_services": "Utilities - Other"